[Клуб Скептиков] [Конференция]
Miller: re: Скорость света и устои.
One of the most sacred laws of physics is that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light in vacuum. But this speed limit has been smashed in a recent experiment in which a laser pulse travels at more than 300 times the speed of light (L J Wang et al. 2000 Nature 406 277). However, the laws of physics remain intact because Lijun Wang and colleagues at the NEC Research Institute in Princeton in the US are able to explain the results of their experiment in terms of the classical theory of wave propagation.
Особенно меня поразило последнее предложение.
Кто-нить объяснит в чем прикол?
...Lijun Wang and colleagues at the NEC Research Institute in Princeton in the US are able to explain (!?) the results of their experiment in terms of the classical theory of wave propagation.
07 Августа 2000 (13:02:07)
К списку
Скорость света и устои.
re: Скорость света и устои. 07-Авг (13:02)
re: Скорость света и устои. 07-Авг (13:12)
re: Скорость света и устои. 07-Авг (13:32)
re: Скорость света и устои. 07-Авг (13:44)
re: Скорость света и устои. 07-Авг (13:57)
re: Скорость света и устои. 07-Авг (15:00)
2-я градская больница
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re: Скорость света и устои. 08-Авг (09:18)
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re: Скорость света и устои. 08-Авг (16:39)
2-я градская больница
re: Скорость света и устои. 09-Авг (15:06)
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